These days, there are far more high-quality movies, TV shows, podcasts, blogs, and books to consume than time allows, which makes filtering important and more challenging. Particularly with books, I often struggle to decide what to read next. If all the options you’re considering are positively reviewed and come strongly recommended, how do you choose? Of the last five books I’ve read, all had a 4.5+ review on Amazon and each was personally recommended by someone I respect. And I easily could have gone without one of them (maybe two).
I was reminded this week of a great tip, which is to listen to a short interview or podcast from the author around the time of release. Fortunately, over the past decade, it’s become common practice for authors of popular books to do a tour as a Podcast guest as part of their book launch. Listening to the author provides a helpful sneak peek into the content, as well as a feel for the author, without requiring a significant time investment. If I enjoy the podcast and finish wanting more, it’s a positive indicator I should read the book. If I feel the podcast was enough, I can confidently pass on the book.